A Socio-Ecological Observatory for Studying African Woodlands

SEOSAW Protocols


SEOSAW has developed a set of linked protocols to study the complex socio-ecology of African woodlands. These protocols were designed to allow for data collected across the region to be compared, whilst retaining flexibility to suit many different objectives. Please reach out to us if you have questions about the protocols. We can also assist you in preparing methods and datasheets for your project.

All the protocols are ‘living documents’, and we welcome input and suggestions from all. Previous versions of the SEOSAW protocols can be found here.


SEOSAW has created the following datasheets to aid you in data collection following the above protocols.

Field Resources

Field Cheat Sheet - This one-page sheet is a printer-friendly summary of the SEOSAW codes and tips for best practice when sampling stems.

Equipment List - Use this list of recommended equipment to help you plan for your fieldwork!

Digital forms - We use KoboToolbox to host digital data entry forms for use on Android devices. Follow these instructions to get setup with your Android device. Remember to consult the SEOSAW plot design and stem measurements manual before collecting data. Form templates for most protocols can be found here.

Goals of SEOSAW protocols and datasheets